I hereby present my Extensively Researched Irrefutable Reasoning of the Superiority of PCs over Macs.
The drummer from Def Leppard – a beacon of hope and inspiration for maimed and disabled creative geniuses everywhere – could not use a Mac. Or at least not a Mac mouse. There is no way that the one-armed percussion juggernaught could possibly respond to his kilobytes of fan-email, cut and paste live action snaps for the Revival Tour promotional material, or complete his personal tax return online without the benefit of the right mouse key.
Apple-key plus single-button click? Puhlease.
And those talking head ads with the kid from Third Rock were amusing for about half a second, but can anyone at Apple say “dead horse”?
So kids, save yourself a few pennies and support limbless technophiles everywhere. Say NO to the sexy little milky white knobule. Say YES to the ugly grey rock with two buttons.
The drummer from Def Leppard – a beacon of hope and inspiration for maimed and disabled creative geniuses everywhere – could not use a Mac. Or at least not a Mac mouse. There is no way that the one-armed percussion juggernaught could possibly respond to his kilobytes of fan-email, cut and paste live action snaps for the Revival Tour promotional material, or complete his personal tax return online without the benefit of the right mouse key.
Apple-key plus single-button click? Puhlease.
And those talking head ads with the kid from Third Rock were amusing for about half a second, but can anyone at Apple say “dead horse”?
So kids, save yourself a few pennies and support limbless technophiles everywhere. Say NO to the sexy little milky white knobule. Say YES to the ugly grey rock with two buttons.