An astute student of fashion and cool - such as your humble author - will have noticed a recent resurgence in the adornment of lapels and pleats with wooden brooches, matte pins and spangly clips. Retro glamour or cutesy handmade seem to be the favoured poles of this world of adornment. (See how well I've noticed, all by myself? Fingers, pulse. That's all I'm saying.)
Anyways, this renaissance of accessorising - presumably a renaissance from glamorous 50's Hollywood and obnoxious 80's - got me thinking of one of the highlights of my misspent youth. Tony Barber. Ok, not Tony Barber without a context. Specifically Tony Barber excitedly offering the bewildered runners up on Sale of the Century a take-home cardboard version of the game show they just lost, and a commemorative teeny tiny sterling silver pin from Germani Jewellers. A commemorative pin! Of an iconic and retro cool TV show! These pins must be worth an absolute fortune to the fashionistas clamouring to add some detachable pizazz to their outfit. And Sale was a long running show - there were thousands of losers! And thousands of losers means there must be thousands of commemorative pins! Tens of thousands even!
And I, dear readers, will buy them all! I will sell them to a pop-culture-hungry public at hugely inflated prices! And I will thumb my nose at this so-called Global Financial Crisis!
[Cue maniacal laugh] Muah hahahahahahahaha!