I've heard some word of mouth reviews of Poor Boy, the debut offering for the new fangled Melbourne Theatre Company. (Well, the building at least is new fangled. And how!)
Anyway, one of the repeated criticisms of the show is that while the songs of Tim Finn are pleasant enough on their own, they have been crowbarred into this magical realist tale, and their unsuitability serves only to highlight their beige-ness.
It got me thinking about the senior Finns. Mr and Mrs Finn. New Zealandish Ma and Pa Finn.
I'm not a particular fan of either Split Enz or Crowded House, but I think it's patently obvious to all but the most zealous Tim devotee that Neil (the driving force of Crowded House) is a vastly and consistently more talented songwriter than his bigger bro. I can't shake the feeling that as much as they love both their musician sons equally, the senior Finns have every single Crowded House album on display, but only show the Best of Split Enz. How could they not play favourites a little bit?
Come to think of it Joe and Katherine Jackson probably own all of Michael's catalogue, and most likely Janet's too, but I'd be damn surprised if they ever gave La Toya's solo outing a spin these days...
Oh, the burdens of parenthood.
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