Intractable answers to life's simple questions.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

When its been over 40 degree for three days in a row

How great is it when people can't resist commenting "Gee, its hot out there" or a rhetorical "How hot is it?"

Seriously. I'm aware of the heat.



Anonymous said...

T-buster: everyone knows that conversational standards are weather dependent. Witty openers and astute observations are only to be expected during periods of mild weather.

Trent said...

True. Doesn't mean it isn't still cosmically irritating...

Anonymous said...

I do not find it irritating. An exchange of obvious statements will do me just fine for conversation during this heat. Actually I was kind of enjoying the fact that the heat gave me an excuse to not have to come up with a decent conversational opener until I saw your blog post and realised that some demanding people still require to be dazzled even during a record-breaking heatwave. Discuss.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous; I find both the weather related greeting and YOU irritating. It's hot. We all know it's hot. Talking about it doesn't make the heat better, it's not therapy. It just makes it worse. You don't need to point out how hot it is. There are plenty of equally lazy and mundane conversation openings you can use in place of a weather comment, that require just as little effort. For example, a simple "How're things? How's work, and your significant other?" suffice. Are you one of those people who changes your Facebook status to "Anonymous is dying in this heat" or "Anonymous is pissed with the lack of air conditioning at work" etc.
Because that's perhaps more annoying than the "how hot is it!" comment. We're all hot (in the temperature sense), we don't need to be constantly reminded. Trent, your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Settle down, Bessie! Making dull comments on facebook is a much bigger crime (and, incidentally, once that I am not guilty of)than making the occasional dull and obvious statement in coversation during a heatwave. This is because the facebook updater has made a decision to broadcast their boring an obvious thoughts. Their boringness is, in a sense, premeditated. The heatwave conversationalist, by contrast, is very unlikely to have deliberately sought out conversation - because his/her energy resources are depleted and he/she doesn't feel much like talking. He/she usually only engages in conversation when circumstances force it upon him/her. Under these circumstanes it is, I believe, unreasonable to expect anything other than a flat statement of the obvious.

Trent said...

Well, I must concede the extreme conditions are mitigation for putting any effort into chit chat - if a statement of only the absolute obvious is all one can muster in the circumstances I can (grudgingly understand).
My personal frustration perhaps is directed towards the fact of these exchanges being arbitrary, without effort and without purpose. Stating the obvious in such a way brings into sharper relief the ridiculousness - and unfortunate insincerity - that mark many of our social transactions, transactions that neither party particularly wants to engage in but do out of some vague and frustrating social obligation. More one of those "How did we get to be this crazy?" observations...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see! Well i guess that makes sense. Though i would like to point out that in some cases, a weather-related statement of the obvious may, might just be the MOST sincere thing it is possible to say.
Sub-comment: the witch in your 'I'm melting' image looks like Hilary Clinton.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... interesting discussion.

Sure is hot today.