When one is a creature of leisure (as is your good author at present), one must be careful to avoid saturation in the inane drivel of daytime television. Cliff-like cheekbones and brick jawlines can only distract anyone for so long from the stupefying abortion of the senses that is the procession of Soaps and Talk Shows.
With all due respect to Ellen (who acquits herself with wry humour and admirable understatement considering the hoards of screaming banshees populating her audience), every time I manage to extricates myself from the vortex of daytime programming, I come away at least 9% dumber. Yet somehow, just when I thought I was out (of this terrible and intellectually corrosive habit) they pull me back in.
Well, no more my friends! The merchants of hype and hysteria and celebrity decorating tips can find a new bunny to boil! For I have One HD!
Sport, sport and more glorious sport. Hours upon hours of basketball, football and surfing by which to whittle away the daytime hours. Why, just this morning I was choking back the sick welling in my throat watching Dr Phil crucify some already-beleaguered simpleton when, during a fortuitously placed commercial break, I flicked to the replay of a 2008 ASP world surfing tour event.
The joy! The sanctuary! I could marvel at the skill and camaraderie of elite athletes sunning themselves in the South of France instead of peeling myself away from revelry in the desperation of a blinkered world.
Sure, I could read a book. I could sort out my tax. But some days are consolidation days. Getting back on top of life, mentally and physically. Now on such days I have an option for mindless entertainment that won't surreptitiously leech my moral and intellectual fibre.
Thank you One HD. Thank you for the time we will spend together.
Right now you are missing out on discovering whether Hope (who is currently masquerading as Kayla) and Steve (who is also known as Patch) will escape the clutches of their mentally unstable kidnapper Ava (who was in a relationship with Steve/Patch back when he was suffering from amnesia and forgot he was married to Kayla). Forget sport - can you live with not knowing how this all plays out???
Is Patch the same guy as Snake? Or are there two daytime characters with eye-patches? Because, y'know, you see loads of guys with those. Not a disproportionate representation of ye olde world solutions to eye injuries at all. Or amnesia/ kidnapping/ inbreeding/ pouting come to think of it...
You're right. I need to know. I'm gagging in anticipation. Don't do it Kayla. Stop. Stop.
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