So, I'm pretty late on this. Like most things bling and/or popular culture. But after much urging from fashion-ally knowledgeable and hip-ly pulse taking friends, I tracked down the film clip to Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) by Beyonce on the interwebs.
It is. Mind. Boggling.
Not mind blowing - the dancing is phenomenal and the design impressive, but not totally out of the projections of mental possibility for a film clip. But what those three posterior-centric dancing girls are actually doing, as in the meaning of their bumping and grinding, makes the mind truly boggle. It borders on porno mime. Think about that. Miming pornography. What's the point? Are they trying to tell a story? Sexless titillation? Liturgical dance in the church of booty? I have no friggin idea.
In any case it was absolutely magnetic. And I felt like I needed to apologise to some women in my life afterwards. Any women. For no particular reason. Like I said, mind boggling.
Postscript: Apparently Beyonce talks with a completely straight face about her stage alter ego Sasha Fierce. Umm...okay. Sasha. Ms Fierce.
Beyonce will refer to a particularly raunchy sequence as Sasha's idea, and credits/blames Sasha for the consumerist blingbling post-feminist parts of her work. Yeah. I'm pretty sure that doesn't make it alright. Although it does make for some fascinating crazy-watch time.
Sasha Fierce is the one that made me ask for a hypercolour tee when I was 13.
because of reading this post yesterday, i had an awesome but slightly disturbing Beyonce dream last night...
DAMN YOU SASHA FIERCE! When will your quest for schoolyard cool ever end?!
@Danne: Did Beyonce turn into a dancing Liger and tear her own limbs off? I like that dream...
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